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Comprehensive Eye Examinations

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A comprehensive eye examination should be a part of one's yearly preventative health check ups. Did you know that Doctors of Optometry are able to diagnose signs of hypertension, diabetes, and high cholesterol all from an eye exam? 


The retina, or back of the eye, is the only place in the body where doctors can examine your blood vessels (arteries and veins) directly without having to open you up! 


As part of a comprehensive eye examination, our doctors first go over a detailed medical history. You would be surprised how many seemingly "non-related" conditions can cause ocular complications! As they say, the eyes are the window to the body. Then, a vision exam is performed to establish what a patient's "Best Corrected Acuity" is. Your doctor will then determine with you whether glasses or contact lenses are required for you to see your best. 


After the vision exam is performed, an ocular health exam is performed. Your doctor will check the pressure of the eyes in order to screen for a disease called Glaucoma, which often has no symptoms in its early stages and if undetected can lead to blindness! Your doctor will then use a slit lamp biomicroscope in order to examine the external and internal structures of the eye, including the eyelids, conjunctiva and sclera (white of the eyes), the cornea, pupils, crystalline lens, and ultimately the retina and optic nerve. 


If your Doctor of Optometry finds anything unusual at the time of your comprehensive eye examination requiring additional workup, a follow-up visit may be scheduled. 


After your examination is completed you are sure to find the perfect frames and lenses in our extensive and convenient on-site optical. We accept most major vision and medical insurances and will be more than happy to help you verify what benefits you are entitled to! 


The American Optometric Association recommends patients have their first ocular health screening exam before age 1, again between age 3-5, and then once a year thereafter. Schedule your comprehensive eye examination today! 

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